Sunday 25 January 2009

Green New Deal for Manchester

Several members of Manchester Green Party have written a document entitled "A Green New Deal for Manchester." It was discussed at yesterday's "Convention of the Left".
It has not yet been discussed by Manchester Green Party so does NOT constitute official policy.
It is not the work of anyone involved in Manchester Climate Fortnightly.
It is hosted here on the MCFly website for informational purposes. Posting it is not an endorsement or a rejection of the document.

Here's a taster-

A Green New Deal for Manchester

The recession is already biting hard in Manchester. Every half-finished block means dozens of construction workers laid off, every closed shop means a few more retail workers on the dole. Less obvious are the layoffs in local factories and transport centres but the queues in employment centres are growing. Meanwhile even local councils are reducing their staff under the budget reductions still being forced on them by central government. And the worst is still to come.

The Labour government, which has been complicit in making Britain desperately exposed to this global crisis, is obsessed with pouring money into the banks to shore up their bad, possibly criminal, activities yet cannot take the obvious step of their full nationalisation. It talks at times of protecting those suffering most by investing directly in job protection but does little in the way of action. At the same time, it has managed to blast a hole in its ‘green’ responsibilities by allowing BAA to build a third runway at Heathrow, something which cannot possibly be justified even as an anti-recession measure as it cannot begin construction for years─if at all.


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