Sunday 19 April 2009

MCFly 022- win £5000!!

That's the prize if you can spot the words "climate change" or "debate" or "action plan" in the article to the left, copied from the latest Council magazine to fall through t'letterbox.

As reported in previous MCFlys, the "Proud Of" Campaign is supposed to be how the Council "engages" with people on Climate Change, "bring together local, grass-roots, community-based collective action to tackle climate change" and "continue the debate on mitigating climate change". The "Proud Of Manchester" website ( has only two references to climate change, and does not even link to the Council's own Call to Action document!

It will be interesting to see the Council's assessment of its successes and failures and impacts during this, the first of four campaigns through the year.

Since they ask for suggestions (well, they imply one per person is your limit), here are some:

Actually ask people what they know,what they want to know about climate change and what the Council is doing about it.

Ask people what they think the Council should do about climate change and how they should do it.

Have copies of the Call to Action report to give out, or at least summaries of it.

File the intimidating and irrelevant "fun" surveys about irrelevant topics... in the circular file

Advertise the events properly

Have them catered properly

Host them in appropriate venues

And that's asides a few other suggestions, in the Call to Real Action, which has been delivered to the Council.

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