Sunday 12 July 2009

MCFly 28- why not in Manchester?

Why not in Manchester?

July 4 Local authorities across Scotland have launched a three-year programme that aims to encourage people to cut their car use in favour of more active and sustainable forms of transport. Seven local authority areas are taking forward the wide-ranging initiatives through the Scottish Government’s Smarter Choices, Smarter Places (SCSP) scheme, which is supported by the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA).

July 10 'The European Environment Agency is considering Europe-wide building regulations that would encourage developers to include “vertical allotments” in their designs...

In an interview with The Times, Jacqueline McGlade, the agency’s director, said: “Managing our urban spaces as extensions of agriculture will reduce the demand to turn forests into farmland. Food crops must be brought closer to the table.

“The idea of living walls and vertical allotments is very old, going back to the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It’s amazing we haven’t done more of this before but now there is a new urgency to change our habits because of climate change.”

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