Friday 26 December 2008

MCFly 14- New Years' Resolutions

Meanwhile, several groups have let slip their New Year's Resolutions. The Green Party resolve to "improve our campaigning effectiveness and not let our temporary absence from the City Council hold us back."

Speaking of the Council, Richard Cowell, Executive Member for the Environment writes "My resolution is that I hope the Climate Change/CO2 Report going to the Council's Executive in the New Year is approved and acts as a catalyst for the delivery of CO2 reductions across Manchester."

The Environment Network for Manchester, producers of great email bulletins, say they'll "get people together in face-to-face meetings more often."

Lacking any ambition, Manchester Climate Action aim to "stop climate change and bring about a transition to a just & sustainable low-carbon economy." This will make MCFly's own ambition, "to keep going until April as a fortnightly. Then we'll see...", redundant. Huzzah!!

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