Sunday 6 September 2009

MCFly 32- Manchester City Council: can we budge it?

We know this: Manchester City Council has a budget of around 1.2 billion pounds a year. Although the Council has emphasised that climate change is a priority, there was no new money in the last budget (see MCFly 18).
And this: That they're in the process of doing the sums for next year's budget.
We don't know this (though we did ask and were assured we'd have an answer before going to press): “What extra money the Council is going to put in its budget for 2010-11 (and beyond) for implementing the Action Plan (i.e. since this will be a 'change' to business as usual, either new money is being found- from where? or else money is being re-arranged or existing programmes are being re-branded as Climate Change money."

But going on Nicholas Stern's (Him out of the Treasury who did a report called the Economics of Climate Change in 2006) estimate that we should be spending 2% of GDP to combat climate change and prepare for the changes afoot, shouldn't the Council spend be something in the region of £24 million? Or is our logic wrong? Just askin', and when we get answers, we will let you know.

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